Autodesk Revit Architecture 2011 Tutorial

These brief video tutorials are designed to get you started using Autodesk Revit. The videos in the Revit Basic Concepts category are recorded using one Revit discipline. However, the concepts and procedures apply to all Revit disciplines. Additional videos are designed to introduce a topic or procedure that is specific to Revit Architecture.

Revit Basic Concepts

Getting Started
Introduces the Revit user interface and helps you get up and running with Revit.

Modeling in Revit
Presents the concept of modeling in 3D while creating a full description of the building.

Working with a Common Model
Illustrates that views are not simply static representations of the building model.

Using Revit Families
Provides an overview of using Revit families to add content to a building model, including how to load a family, select a type, and place an instance.

Understanding Constraints
Introduces how constraints, such as dimensions and alignment can control the design intent of your model.

Working with Parameters
Demonstrates that every object in a building model has properties that affect both its behavior and description. Also shows how to modify object properties.

Controlling Visual Representation
Introduces some of the ways to customize the visual representation of the model for the view.

Provides examples of when a sketch is required to create geometry (such as roofs, slabs, and ceilings) and introduces the draw tools.

Creating Section and Elevation Views
Demonstrates how to create and modify section and elevation views of the model.

Exploring Model versus Annotation Components
Illustrates that model components display in all views, while annotations (such as tags and dimensions) only display in the view in which they are placed.

Linking Models
Provides information on how to link building models in Revit to aid collaboration across architectural, structural, and MEP disciplines.

Revit Architecture Concepts

Adding Project Datums
Demonstrates how to add levels and grids to establish a framework for a building model.

Placing Walls and Doors
Illustrates the procedure and tools used to add walls and doors to a building model.

Customizing Content
Demonstrates how to create specific content types to meet project requirements.

Creating a Perspective View
See how to place a camera to create a perspective view, and how to adjust the view depth, boundary, and camera angle.
