Introduction à Revit Architecture

Render Farm

Voici un article qui démontre comment utiliser plus d'un ordinateur pour faire un rendu.

Prix d'excellence en Architecture - 2009

PROCAD CONSULTANTS est fier de s'associer, pour une deuxième année consécutive, au prix d'excellence en Architecture 2009 de l'OAQ (Ordre des Architectes du Québec). Le lancement de cette 25ième édition, qui a eu lieu au Château Frontenac, à Québec.

New Feature Releases Exclusively for Autodesk Subscription Customers

Autodesk® Subscription members can now download new feature releases for the following Autodesk® software products as part of their benefits:

Revit® Architecture 2009
Construction Documentation e-Learning
Presenting the Building Model e-Learning

Revit® MEP Basics e-Learning
(Note: The English-language version of Revit MEP software is available only as part of the AutoCAD® Revit® MEP Suite 2009 product).

AutoCAD® 2009
Introduction to 3D Modeling e-Learning

AutoCAD® Architecture 2009

Migration Assistant: Import/Export Module

AutoCAD® MEP 2009
Migration Assistant: Import/Export Module
Electrical Essentials e-Learning
Plumbing Essentials e-Learning
Piping Essentials e-Learning
HVAC Essentials e-Learning

Autodesk® Maya® 2008
Creating a Character Foot Rig Video Podcast
Camera Control Video Podcast
API Overview Downloadable DVD
Autodesk® Productstream® 2009
Working with Autodesk Productstream e-Learning

Autodesk® Vault 2009
Maintaining and Populating a Vault e-Learning

Autodesk Revit Used in AIA Award-Winning Green Project

Glowing With Green Success: Yale's Sculpture Building
By Staci Matlock, ConnectPress Staff WriterAIA COTE 2008 Top Ten Green Projects winner--the Yale University Sculpture Building and Gallery--is designed to maximize sunlight for natural lighting.


Nouvelle Aquisition intéressante de Autodesk
